Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snatch Balance

Then 5 Rounds For Time of the Following

10 Dumbbell Thrusters
5/5 KB Snatches
10 Double Unders


  1. Snatch balance: 73#

    Metcon: 11:06 @ 15# DBs and 35# KB.

    Post wod: NAP

  2. This was a pretty sweet workout today, whoever programmed it must be totally elite.

    Snatch balance up to 125#

    Metcon - 8:12 @ 30#DBs/1.5 pood. Probably should have tried for a heavier KBell, but was worried the thrusters would be pretty difficult, which they were for the last 2 rounds.

    @ JohnA, you got 8:16

  3. Joined our friends at LP for their sectional WOD prep workout:

    3 attempts of power clean, squat clean, and clean and jerk in 20 seconds, 3 min rest between attempts- 195#. The time limit is kind of fun since there's plenty of time to do all 4 lifts, but no time to think about it.

    WOD “Dirty Girls”
    50 air squats
    7 muscle ups
    10 power cleans 135#
    First time doing muscle ups in a WOD, did them all strict. Repped the first round together, did all singles in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Could cut the time down a good bit once I learn to kip so I can rep them in later rounds.

  4. err, "Nasty Girls" is the name of that WOD.

  5. DId Friday's workout.

    13:16 using 185 for the power cleans. Got heavy after about the 3rd round. I liked this one a lot.

    DId some OHS w/ John A afterward. Worked up to 155#x3. Went for 185# after that but we were hang snatching them into position. a bit to heavy.
