Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today there will be a 9 am class.  Every Tuesday and Thursday morning class will be held at 9 am.  Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions or would like any other possible class times.  


90 second amrap of body weight bench press
Rest 90 seconds
90 second amrap of burpees

 10 minutes for as many reps as possible of the following

5 clapping push ups
5/5 kb snatches
5 pull ups

Post Wod
30 dips (partition as needed)


  1. Bench @ current bw 170#: 17 reps
    Burpees: 26 reps

    Metcon: 6 rounds + 4kbs

  2. Active rest day, so

    1: 3/min power snatch for 10 minutes @ 100#

    2: 2/min power snatch for 10 minutes @ 115#

    Max was 125# just recently, so it seems like I finally figured out how to get my hip flexors in on the action. Felt really light even at 115#, the bar would appear to float overhead.

  3. Bench (190#) 21 reps
    Burpees: 33...cfconstruct standard

    Metcon: 8 rounds + 2 snatches

    dips: 22, 8

    shoulders gonna feel this tomorrow!
