Monday, February 21, 2011



3 x 5

Then 3 rounds for time

8 over head squats  (135/95) or 60% of your one rep max
25 box jumps

Post wod
30 ghd sit ups
Double under skill work


  1. Didn't front squat today, did 5x5 with a 2 minute rest on strict press and back squat as part of my psuedo-SS linear progression
    SP @ 90
    BS @ 195

    Metcon - 4:00 @ 95#/24". Didn't go too heavy on OHS because I wasn't sure how my wrists would feel. I tightened up my grip per Crossfit Chicago coach Glen's suggestion. They felt much better that way and I was able to keep my chest tall. I'm going to start upping the weight on these now that my wrists won't take as much of a beating.

  2. Save your appetite tonight. I'm bringin 2 large pizzas to the box from Piece to celebrate my birthday!!! I'm going to the 7 o'clock class so that 6 o'clockers can enjoy too!

  3. @Doc - I read Glenn's post last week as well and I'm looking forward to trying that out. I read that several people who were already pretty good at OHS really jacked up the weight just by bringing their hands in a bit. If you're there tonight, I'd like to see how you did the hand position.

  4. @Drywall - I wasn't there, but I'll be by tomorrow at 6. I had the index finger of each hand just outside the knurled rings on the burgener bar. Definitely couldn't do a passthrough, but I had no problems with shoulder flexibility or keeping the bar over my shoelaces.

  5. Back squat: 225, 265, 300...

    Metcon: 3:50 rx...first set of box jumps I felt like Gumby.
