Monday, April 11, 2011

Congratulations to everyone who completed Saturday's sectional workout. If any of you are interested in competing this year or in the future stop by this Saturday afternoon for another sectional workout. The workout will be announced on Tuesday and we will start around 2 pm Saturday afternoon.

Hang Squat Snatch

Then for time four rounds of the following

3 over head squats (75-80% of your one rep max)
15 box jumps
30 double unders

Post wod
3x8 weighted good mornings


  1. pre: leisurely mile run...~7:30


    400m run
    50 DUs

    9:53..paced everything as to not over do it.

  2. got up to 175lb on the hang squat snatch. failed 185. bummed b/c in the past i can nail a pretty aggressive hang power snatch at 175.

    7:48 on the metcon at 155#.

    Those overheads were heavy. should have dropped it fron the get go instead of putting it back on my neck. screwed up my shoulder on the 2nd round.

    I suck at box jumps on a real box. begining to realize that a tire is a huge crutch.

  3. Hang squat snatch - 85x3, 95x3, 105x1, 115x1, 125x1 PR
    Very happy with that. On the 105 and 115, I really power snatched it then rode it down, so kind of cheating. On the 125, I just went for it and trusted myself to balance it and caught it in the full squat for a PR.

    WOD - modified as I squatted Saturday and Sunday:
    4 rounds:
    3 deadlifts 255#
    15 box jumps 24”
    30 double unders

    3x8 good mornings 105, 115, 115

  4. Pre WOD: 3x5 single arm swings, 3x5 snatches, 35#. Thanks Jim for doing it with me.

    WOD: 7:43 @ 53# and 90 single unders per round. I am getting faster at single unders so hopefully I will be able to do double unders sooooooon.
