Friday, February 25, 2011

Hang Power Snatch

Then For Time

3 Rounds of the following  ( Repeat this sequence three times with a two minutes of rest in between )

4 Power Snatches
6 Pull Ups
8 Air Squats

Record your time for all three rounds of three. 

Post wod
100 Double Unders


  1. For Clarity, you do this right?

    3 Rounds:
    4 Power Snatches
    6 Pull Ups
    8 Air Squats

    Rest 2min

    3 Rounds:
    4 Power Snatches
    6 Pull Ups
    8 Air Squats

    Rest 2min:

    3 Rounds:
    4 Power Snatches
    6 Pull Ups
    8 Air Squats


  2. I won't do it until tonight, but that's how I'm reading it.

    I have to ask: where did Flynndogg and Anonymous Jeff come from? Are you Chicago guys or did you find our blog some other way?

  3. haahaha. Drywall, I am Jeff. Flynndogg is my buddy and a friend of Derek's. we think the programming is great and have been following it for about a month. we are in NYC, but i hope to come out and work with you guys some time.

  4. Well, we're calling you Anonymous Jeff from here on out. When you come to visit, that's what's going on the board.

    I also like how you guys are 800 miles away and post more often than 95% of our members.

  5. Snatch 75#x3, 95#x2, worked up to 155#. Too much pressing out. I have a hard time doing (1) hip pop, (2)shoulder shrug, and (3) squat under the bar all in the same lift. "2 out of 3 ain't bad" doesn't seem to apply to this.

    WOD at 115#
    2:16, 2:18, 2:19

    Snatches came to together without pressing on some of these closer to the end. Drilling it this many times was good practice.

    DU's - worked with my new speed rope instead of my heavier rope. So far, I hate this thing.

  6. Snatches 95#-3, 115#-2, 125#-1, 130#-1, 135#(f), could quite get it overhead, but I think I can get it when I'm a little more rested.

    Metcon @ 105#-1:58, 2:10, 2:14.

    Tomorrow's WOD: amrap sled dog wrestling.

  7. snatches... worked up to 80#, failed at 85#

    metcon @ 55# 2:50, 3:18; and 3:08; had some trouble getting into the bands the second two rounds :(
