Saturday, February 5, 2011


Split Jerk

3 Power Clean and Jerks every minute for ten minutes

Post WOD
Handstand skill work


  1. Pre: did a few weighted muscle-ups, going to try 40# tomorrow.

    Split jerks: 145-155-165(f)

    Grace in 10 minutes @ 135#. Form was pretty ugly for the last few sets but the weight felt good.

  2. split jerks up to 195#. Could have gone a bit heavier.

    155# on the clean and jerks. Cranked my chin and bit my lip on one of them.

    Did Fridays deadlift/pullup WOD after. 5:03 w/ 165#

    My back is feelin it.

  3. split jerks: 115-135-155

    clean and jerks: first 5 sets at 130#...then had to drop down to 125# for last 5 sets...beat me up pretty good.

  4. PR for Split Jerk at 113# and actually felt like I could have put on 5 more lbs

    Clean and Jerks at 60#. Wanted to put on more but glad I didn't because I started losing my form in the last few sets.

    Doc almost got me into my first handstand:) I'm terrified of being upside down, but we made great improvement:) Thanks Doc!

  5. Up to 195 on split jerk I believe.

    Horrible form @ 155# - waste of life today. Plan on making it up next week.

    Have a good Saturday everyone!

  6. Split Jerk

    Power Clean and Jerks @ 75#
    Felt like maybe I could have gone just a little heavier on this, still had time to spare each minute.

    Post WOD
    Handstand skill work, still working on just kicking up into a handstand. Time to make this my new priority for the month.

    Pull-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
    (red band)

  7. I think the split jerk went up to 185#
    C&J's at 135#
    3 max sets 60# one arm rows
    3 max sets dead hang pull ups
    4 max sets ring pushups

  8. sunday:

    TABATA x 2 on C2, 3 min rest between rds


    post: 3x5 GHR and 5 rope ascents

  9. Made this up on Sunday.
    Split jerks: 75-80-85-90, failed at 95#.

    Then 11 minutes (did one extra minute to make up for some bad form) of 65# clean& jerks.

    Post: worked on double unders. And fast single unders.
