Friday, February 4, 2011


Snatch grip dead lift
85% to 105% of your 1 rep max snatch

Then for time

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of dead lifts at 45-50%?of your one rep max
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of pull ups

(complete 10 deeds then 1 pull up, complete 9 deeds then 2 pull ups,etc.).

Post wod
3x8 bent over rows
100 double unders or 5 minutes of double under skill work.


  1. Snatch Deads: 95-105-125-135

    Metcon: 5:48 @ 225#

    Post: 3x8 rows @ 95#
    100 DU's... so much easier in the morning when not thinking as much. Derek's quote this morning fits well: "the harder you try at them, the harder they get."

  2. This looks like fun, but it also has major potential to give me a brain fart. You know I get a little slow after work. I just saw all those numbers and cringed. lol.

  3. Snatch deads: 100-115-125-140.

    Metcon - 5:20 @ 160#, this was a fun one, last two sets of pullups were tough.

    Snow football at 3:30 in Oz park today. If you're coming, my number is 847-414-935one.

  4. Hey Everyone,

    I wanted to let people know that I have some spots open on my ice hockey team. I play at Johnny's Ice House (Madison and Loomis and Madison and Western) in the B league. I know that we have some new people that have joined CFC that play hockey. If you are interested please email me.
    League goes from April to August - one game per week and sometimes two.


  5. Matt Repecki get on my team, you to John G! I know it is not A league lets do it.

  6. This was a fun one!

    Snatch grip deadlifts @ 43, 48, 53, 58#

    Metcon: 7:33 @75#. My last measured deadlift max was 148# in december, but I figured i've improved, so I went a llittle heavier than the 45%, which was just fine. Pull-ups with blue or green band, depending on set.

    Post wod: 2 hours of snow monkey in the middle and some sledding too.

  7. snatch grip DL: 95-110-120-135 (sets of 3)

    metcon @ 145# (50% of 1RM): 4:40.

    post: 100 DUs, 3x8 95# bent over rows
