Monday, May 23, 2011

Today is day one of the May Challenge.  No need to sign up just show up Monday and Tuesday of this week and work out. For more information check out the link on the right. 

10 minutes to complete 2 tasks

1 rep max power clean and jerk
Max reps of strict pull ups

The clock will start and you will have ten minutes to complete as many pull ups as you can and record a 1 rep max clean and jerk. During the ten minutes you can work as long (or as little) as you wish on either exercise. One point per pound and one point per pull up. Record your total score


  1. 165# C&J; 72 pull ups

    post: 20 more strict pull ups

    500m row TT: 1:36.7

  2. 165# C&J; 74 pull ups

    post: 26 strict pull ups to equal me out at 100 for the day

    500m row: 1:40

  3. C&J: 215# - all push jerk/push press. Must get the split back soon!
    Pullups: 53

    Total: 268

    Post 20 strict pu

  4. SWoD: 5-3-1+ BS. Still seeing improvement here so that's good.

    175#/86 pull ups. 10 pound PR on the C+J which was nice. Only worked up to 165 in the warmup, probably should have gone a little heavier, 185 might have been doable.

    No post, 90 minutes of rat in the morning so I was pretty beat. Most likely have a hairline fracture on my left foot from a slapshot to the side of my boot.

  5. Clean & Jerk: 125# (5# PR)
    Pull ups: 25

    Total: 150

    Time management issues, spent to much looking for an extra 5# to try for 130#, could maybe have just squeezed out 5 more pull ups.

    Post: 500m row @ 1:46; 3x10 pull ups (purple/red bands)

  6. 120# Clean and Jerk. 7# PR.

    0 pullups. My goal is to get one before the Challenge ends. Lol. I have not been serious about working on pullups at all. I'm going to make a real effort over the next month:)

  7. 205# + 104 pullups - 309.

    Went light on my C&J because I tweaked my back on Saturday doing heavy overhead. Will shoot for 225-235 next time.

    500m row- 1:33.1. 1.5 secs over my PR. Ran out of gas on the last 100m. Might have something to do with doing a shit ton of pull ups.

  8. 185# plus 32 pulls up = 217

    Obviously I need to work on something.

    I was gassed and my row was at 1:35.1, also bad. PR is at 1:31.5

  9. Clean & Jerk: 125# (PR)
    Pull ups: 25

    Total: 150

  10. clean and jerk 205 previous pr was 225 coudnt get 225 or 215. need to warm up more and be more explosive.
    pull ups 20
