Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday May 24

3 rounds for time of the following
10 front squats
10 burpees
10 box jumps

Mens divisions
165 pound front squat / 30 inch box jump
105 pound front squat / 24 inch box jump

Women's divisions
95 pound front squat / 20 inch box jump
65 pound front squat / 16 inch box jump

Challenge 1 prizes

Mens and women's winner will receive one month free crossfit
Runner up in each division will receive a 50 dollar gift card


  1. div B: 4:36...next time, i need to shorten the time to the bar and chain box jumps on rds 2 and 3. shootin' for sub-4 in july.

    post: 3x8 good mornings, 95-115-115#

    100 DUs

  2. div A: 7:01. Only broke once on the 2nd and 3rd set, so to improve I'm going to have to go unbroken on at least one of those.

  3. Div B: 9:47. Broke FS into 5/5 on 2nd round, 3/3/4 in 3rd. A couple of failed power cleans led to more breaks than I wanted.

  4. SWoD: SP 5-3-1+ felt pretty weak on these.

    DivA - 9:51, dropped on the FS far too many times. Need to take a break and let my wrists heal up, they're pretty beat.

    Post - 4x8 bench 100-110-120-130

  5. Div A - 7:06

    Nearly ate shit on a box jump which cost me a few seconds. I also need to pick up my burpee pace.

  6. Division A- 9something I think:( I was miserable after this one and did not really pay attention to my time. I was just so happy it was over. Burpees sucked and really hurt. I re-aggravated my shoulder before class by trying to do some chin ups and pull ups without warming up:( Outside of the painful burpees those front squats were also brutal!

    I am excited to see how we all progress 6 weeks from now:)
