Saturday, May 7, 2011

Strict Press

Then For Time

1000 M Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

Post WOD
5 Minute AMRAP of Double Unders


  1. in case anyone was looking for their previous "jackie" time from nov10.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. press: 75-85-105-115 (5RM, 90% of 1RM)-120(2)

    things not to do when you are hungover: jackie.


    time was way off of my previous PR. how bad you ask, my 1K row was 10s faster (3:30) than the previous time i attempted this workout and yet i was 45 seconds slower overall. way too many breaks during thrusters (12-8-8-5-5-6-6)and pull ups (10-9-5-3-3). pathetic, dismal, etc.

    got lots of work to do to get back to where i want to be on this WOD.

    post: 223 DUs

  4. Press. 135x5, 145x5, 155x3. Might have had 155 if I just started there.
    Deadlift. 315x2, 345x2, 365 (f), 345x2, 355x1. strangely enough this is the first time I set a 1rm deadlift in almost a year. Would like to get this up to 400.

    Jackie: 7:07. 17 sec improvement, but not happy that I didn't go sub 7. Didn't really prepare mentally. No plan for the row, too many breaks on thrusters, and i'm going too high (and slow) on my pull ups. Want to do this again.

    Back ext and ring rows 3x10
