Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weighted Chin Ups 4 x 8
Close Grip Bench 4 x 8 (Tempo 40x1)

Then 5 Rounds for time of the following
5 push press (115/75 or 60% of your one rep max)
10 KB Swings
15 Burpees

Post wod
3 x 5 sots press (single arm with a KB)


  1. weighted chin-ups: 4x8 @ 15#
    close grip bench (40x1): 95-105-115-125

    metcon @ 115# and 2 pood: 9:56...harsh.

    post 3x5 sots press: 15-25-25#

  2. 35# chin ups - 4x8
    4021 tempo close grip bench 4x8 - 95#, 125#, 145#, 165#(6)
    WOD:115#, 2 pood, 8:19. This was way harder than it looked on paper.

    Sots press - 25# 8 reps, 30# 8 reps, 35# 5 reps.

  3. 25# chin ups 4x8

    metcon as Rx'd / 2pood - 9:22
    Suckfest all around. Burpees still need work. Lots of work.

  4. Chin ups: 4x8 red band
    Bench: 4x8 @ 75#

    WOD: 12:41 @ 75#/1.5 pood. Push press at this weight still gives me trouble. First time with that weight kettlebell. Lost my balance a couple times staying back on my heels, but overall not too bad.

    Post: 3x5 sots each arm @ 15# kb.
