Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Front Squat
5 x 8 (Tempo 4020)

Snatch Grip Dead lift 3 x 8 (40x0)

Then For Time 3 Rounds of the Following

400 M run
50 Double Unders

Post WOD
3 x 10 Back Extensions


  1. 95# on both FS and Snatch Deads
    This is a lot of reps people, pick a weight you can actually finish at the proper tempo. It gets heavy, FAST.

    Metcon - 8:08
    For some reason I can string DUs like crazy in the AM: R1 38, R2 50, R3 36

    Post - 3 x 10 on Reverse Hyper. Did back ex yesterday

  2. What % should be use or how do we calculate this? John has a big squat and deadlift max, 95# would usually be nothing to him, so the tempo obviously adds a ton of difficulty and makes this a bit hard to calculate.

  3. Start around 50-55% 1RM for the FS.

    This was hovering around 35% for me, but really because my wrists have been giving me trouble. 50-55% will be tough.

    Snatch Deads will likely be less than your 1RM snatch, but I'll leave that one to Derek.

    Yes, the tempo is difficult - it should be.

  4. i second johnA, 50-55% 1RM was brutal. the 9AM class can vouch for that.

    FS and snatch grip DLs @ 100# (55% 1RM)

    metcon:6:46...couldnt find a rhythm on last set of DUs. R1:25-25, R2: 50, R3: 2-3-15-30

    post:3x10 back ext.

  5. Felt good getting back into the swing of things today at the box.

    Metcon: 9:46. Broke the rubber ropes in half and the metal one was frayed so it cut me. George was able to fix it half way through.

  6. Front squats 155. Working on a closer stance and it felt good but i almost passed out during the last 2 sets. weight felt fine i think i should be up around 185 next time and not such a sissy.

    legs felt heavy but double unders un broken until last set.

    feels good to get back in the swing of things

  7. Came in for some strength work today after a head cold kept me out all weekend. I'll probably get a metcon in tomorrow when I'm 100%.

    5-3-1+ bench and FS; 4x8 presses.

  8. 5x8 tempo front squats 4020 135#. Should go higher next time.

    3x8 tempo snatch grip deadlifts 40x0 115#. Should go higher on this too.

    WOD 9:45. Still struggling with the new timing on the speed rope.

    back extensions - 3x10

  9. Metro Dash postponed, got this email this morning:

    Chicago Athletes,

    Due to logisitical issues out of our control we have been forced to postpone the Chicago Metro Dash race until later this year. No need to worry, we are already working on another location and date. As soon as the details are finalized, we will send you an updated email with more information. At that time, if you are unable to attend the race on the new date you can contact us for a refund. No refunds can be issued prior to the new date being released.

    We thank you for your patience and understanding and are working hard to bring you a gut wrenching, muscle pounding, make you want to throw up obstacle course race.


    Metro Dash HQ

  10. FS: 55#

    Snatch DL: 65#

    MetCon: 11 something. I do not remember. I was pissed because I could not get double unders for anything and had to wait 2 minutes each time before I could run. Oh well, I guess doing it like this rather than subing in singles will force me to learn DUs.
