Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Power Snatch

 4 rounds for time of the following

3 power cleans   ( 80-85% of your one rep max )
6 dead lifts  ( same weight as your cleans )
9 pull ups

Post wod
3 x 5 Peterson step up.


  1. Power Snatch - 135#, def need to get back into snatch work.

    Metcon @ 185#/Deadhang Pull Ups - 6:12

    Post: Peterson SU's on just left leg.

  2. power snatch: 125#, realized my form is shit, so drop the weight to 115# and worked on form.

    metcon @ 145# and strict C2Bs: 7:30

    post: peterson step ups at 10# in each arm.

  3. Power snatch 125, failed 135- should have tried 130

    metcon @ 150 w/ strict pull up: 5:09 (going to start pushing myself to go up in weight)

  4. Power Snatch: 83#

    First time back in a week, was really over-thinking things this morning and not dropping under the bar fast enough.

    Metcon: 7:21 @ 98#/ dead hang pull ups, no band

  5. Sup Construct! Miss you guys! Finally got my computer set up. Nothings changed, still don't have my sh*t together

    Coach John

  6. power snatch - 155#. Tied PR, but this is the first time I did it legit without a press out.

    Metcon @ 205# - 4:57. Back is still smoked from the weighted deadhangs on Monday so I just worked on butterflies, trying out a wider grip to cycle through them faster.

    Peterson step up - 0, 20, 20.

  7. John G - So when are you opening your box in San Diego? You still suck by the way.

  8. Snatch 155 terrible form
    Wod 8:00 kipping pull ups 175

  9. Power Snatch 205#. I tried my best to not jump too wide to receive the bar.

    Metcon with 225. 5 something.

  10. went well below parallel at 175#.

    metcon at 205# w/ kipping pullups. 5:16

    tweaked the shit out of my shoulder. taking a few days off.

  11. Thursday:

    did last wednesday's workout.

    bench 3RM: 180#

    PP 3RM: 140#...not feeling it with my back.

    4x400m sprints with 1min rest in between


    splits were 1:02/1:06/1:08/1:11

  12. Bench 1RM: 225
    Superset 4 x 5 weighted dips 35lbs w/ 5 chin ups
    30 GHD situps
    3x20 situps superset w/5 TTB

  13. Working on the beach abs there Blake?!

  14. Power Snatch - 135#. Failed at 155#, just could not get under quick enough.

    Metcon @ 155#/kipping - crap, forgot my time, will post later.

    Post: Peterson SU's on just left leg.
