Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Push Jerk 
3-3-3 (find a new 3 Rep Max) 

8 Min AMRAP of:
30 DUs
200 M Row T2B
10 TTB

Post WOD 
4x8 Single arm KB Snatches


  1. push jerk: 155# 3RM

    AMRAP: 4 rds +119m

    post KB snatches: 1 @ 1 pood, 3 @ 1.5 pood

  2. Push Jerk 3RM: 185# nothing close to a PR

    AMRAP: 4 rounds + 28 Du's

  3. Behind the head press 1rm - 145#. 30# under regular press. Then 5-5-6 at 95#.

    AMRAP - 4 rounds + 1 meter rowing. I don't want to speak too soon, but I may have gotten the speed rope figured out. Unbroken on my first 3 sets. Unbroken on TTB. May have rowed a tad too slow, wanted to keep from burning out on TTB and DU's.

    Post - 35, 55, 55, 55

  4. Push jerk 3rm 235, pr
    Am ramp 2 rounds 5 du

  5. Push Jerk - 145#, neck nerve still feels pinched.

    AMRAP - 2 rounds plus 9TTB's. Not happy about that at all to be honest.

    Post @ 1/2 pood for the first set then 1 1/2 pood after.
