Monday, July 11, 2011

Find 1RM Front Squat

Then For Time 
4 rounds of the following

8 Front squats ( use 75% of new 1RM)
400 M Sprint
2 Minutes Rest

post WOD 
4 x 5 Weighted pull ups 
3 x 8 back extensions


  1. Front Squat- 190

    WOD- 13:42ish (Great race with Tom)

    4x5 pull ups 20lbs

  2. FS: 190# (5# PR)

    WOD: 13:52, good one, good race, and good push from george to make all FS unbroken

    post: 4x5 pull ups: 2 @ 15#, 2 @ 25#

    blake 1, tom 0...

  3. FS: 220 (first 1 rep tril for FS)

    WOD: um, I think i was under 17 min but not sure, ouch.

    i suck at running and nutrition

  4. Front squat 245# PR. Went up easy, got too bold and failed on 265#, then on 255#. Crappy compared to my back squat.

    WOD 185#. 15:14 while accidentally doing 10 reps on round 1 and 2. Listening skills need improvement.

    Weighted pullups 4x5 at 55#
    Back extension 3x8 at 25# should have done 45#.

  5. Front Squat: 235# - 10lb PR. went for 245 and failed.

    metcon at 175# - 14:18.

    Went unbroken on all squats. felt good.

    4x5 pullups w/ 25lbs.

  6. I did this WOD with 225#. I finished 3RDS. I was interrupted by some lady that wanted to checkout the gym. DNF - Fail

  7. 275 fs pr
    Wod 18:30 205
