Saturday, August 20, 2011

3 x 5

Then For Time

5 Rounds of the following
1 80 Yard Gasser
15 KB Swings
10 Pull Ups

Work with a partner and only one partner works at a time.  record weights used and total time. 


  1. Deads - 5x365# but wasn't able to chain them quickly and knew I wouldn't hit 5 again, then did 2 sets at 5x345#

    WOD partnered with Andy: 15:55 at 2 pood. Swings unbroken, but had to start breaking up pull ups in round 4. Got harder than it looks, per usual.

  2. Partnered up with Megan :-) : 17:30
    @ 1.5pood. Swings unbroken, until the last set when I did 10+5. Pull-ups with green band.

    Definitely got harder than it looked. My arms are beat.

  3. DLs: 255-265-275

    WOD partnered with Chirag: 16:15 (i did 2 pood.)
