Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For Time

40 Wall Balls
20 Over Head Squats
400 Meter run

30 Wall Balls
15 Back Squats 
400 meter run

20 Wall Balls
10 Front Squats
400 meter run

(use 60-65% of your one rep max overhead squat)

post wod
3 minute planck hold (partition as needed)


  1. metcon@20# wb and 95# squats: 15:33

    Planks: 1 min on / :30 off

  2. 20# and 135# - 16:45. Need the heavy OHS work, can't wait to do it again.

  3. First one back in almost 2 weeks I had "No", "Ouch", and "Ah hell!" to choose from.

    16:58 @ 14# and 58#. Overheads were the limiting factor as usual and very shaky.
