Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Snatch Grip Deadlift 
4 x 8 Tempo (40x0)  Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets

Front Squat
3-3-3  (60%, 65%, 70%)

Then 12 Minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 Weighted Pull Ups
50 Double Unders

Post WOD
 Hip mobility drills
3 minute plank hold 


  1. Classic case of an exercise addict who overtrains and is now coming to terms with it.

  2. I loved those sprints yesterday, by the way. Definitely prefer that over the 400m WOD-jogs.

  3. Snatch Grip Deads: 135-145-155-155

    Front Squat: 155-165-180

    12 Min AMRAP: 6 rounds + 3 PU's @ 25#
    Wanted to drop weight but stuck to it throughout. Wasn't really feeling the DU's this AM. Legs are fried. Looking forward to a rest day.

  4. Attention Construct: Windy City CrossFit will be hosting us for Fight Gone Bad this year. Derek will post something to the blog once they have sign ups for time slots. Fight Gone Bad is 9/17. Stay tuned for more details.

  5. snatch grip dls @ 125#

    FS: 120-130-140#

    AMRAP @ 25#: 5+5pu

    post planks: 1 min on/1 min off

  6. 185# on the snatch deads
    165, 175, 185 on the squats
    AMRAP 45# 7 rounds + 27 DU's

  7. 150, 165, 175 on the front squats. skipped the deads. back seems to be healing so leaving it alone for now.

    Did ring rows instead of pullups. Tried to go slow down to somewhat mimic timing of the pullups but that didnt work too well.

    8 rounds + 35 double unders.

    3 minute straight plank hold
