Monday, February 14, 2011


Congrats to Kelsey D on her CrossFit Level 1 Certification this past weekend! 

Also we will be starting a 9 am class on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week.  Each week there will be 9 am classes on Tuesday and Thursdays starting on Tuesday February 22nd. 


3 sets of 30 second AMRAP of strict pull ups (1 minute rest in between)

2 minutes of rest

3 sets of bent over rows with a barbell at tempo 3OXO 

Then the following will be done in sequence for total reps

1 Minute AMRAP of KB Swings (American )
rest 30 Seconds
1 Minute AMRAP of Goblet Squats
rest 30 seconds
1 Minute AMRAP of Sumo Dead lift highpulls with KB
rest 30 seconds
1 Minute AMRAP of  KB Swings Russian

Post WOD
3 x 5 Step Ups with dumbbells or KBs


  1. congrats Kelsey!

    pull ups: 10, 10, 8

    bent over rows 3 sets of 8 @ 95#

    AMRAPs @ 2 pood. killer.

    KBS: 20
    Goblet squats: 16
    SDHP: 20
    russian: 28

    post 3x 5 step ups with 30 lb DBs

    going to try and follow programming as close as possible. see y'all in a little over two weeks.

  2. Congratulations Kelsey!!!

  3. Grats Kelsey, nice mainsite pic!

    Good luck Tom!

  4. Congrats, Kelsey! Great accomplishment!

  5. Awesome job Kelsey!!!

  6. Deadhangs: 13-6-6

    Bent over row @ 105#

    Metcon: 27/21/24/34

  7. dead hangs 19, 12, 9
    rows 95#
    Metcon 30/24/27/35
    Step ups (3x5) 2 x 30# dumbbells

  8. Pull ups: 17,12,8

    rows (on the T-bar): 90,95,100 - 3x8

    metcon w/ 1.5 pood: 36,34,32,37

    steps 3x5 w/40lb kb's.

  9. Congrats Kelsey, I hope to join you in a month's time.

    Pullups: 15, 10, 10

    Metcon @ 2 pood: 31/25/34/36, 2 min rest, 20/15/20/25. Next time Derek tells you, you're good at this, do two rounds, don't listen to him unless you want to be in lots of pain.
