Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Squat Cleans

Clean and Jerk

Then Row 1.5 K for Time
- Damper on 10
- Feet Not in the straps
- You must keep the strokes per minute under 20
- 3 Burpee Penalty for every time strokes per minute exceed 20 


  1. C&J: 185, 45lbs under pr. Not feeling the split jerk lately, needs work again. This used to be one of my best lifts, argh.

    Row: 3:50.1
    We did this 1k with a 2 burpee penalty. Ended up doing 10. I'll make this up as rx'd later on.

  2. Row at 1K - 3:49.2 with no burpee penalty.

    Did Tuesday's workout after the row.

    5RM Bench: 145#

    Metcon @ 75# - 4:57

  3. Did Tuesday's workout.
    5RM bench: 70#, did 2 sets of 4.5 reps at 75#, but just couldn't get "all the little muscles in your shoulder to work together" as Erik put it.

    Metcon@ 35# 6:01.

  4. Clean and Jerk - 205# PR

    1.5K 5:52. RPMs were too low on the first 500 (14-15 range), too concerned with staying well under 20.

    3x5 GH raises
