Wednesday, February 2, 2011


********. I'm up at the gym right now and it's a fun trip to get here. The gym will be open but I'll be closing up if no one shows for the 6 pm class. Please email me at if you plan on coming in. ************
12 Minutes of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest

Row for calories
Box Jumps (20/14)

You can work with a partner and rotate stations.  Record Total reps and box jump reps. 

Post WOD
Squat Clean Skill Work


  1. Snowpocalypse has claimed my car and my street. If anyone is going to be driving near western and division I would appreciate a lift to the box.

  2. No car or street for me as well. I'll be walking over for the 5. Appears to be the best mode of transportation at this point, that is unless you have skis. Some chick had a pair on at like 8am haha.

  3. If I don't make it a least I got 90min amrap snow shoveling WOD in.

  4. I got in my 120 min AMRAP shoveling and a snowball fight and some snow football, good enough for me.

    If anyone is interested, I'm meeting a bunch of friends Friday in Lincoln Park for a snowball fight and some snow football. Details to come.

  5. Its official no xfit for me today, I am going to do some 12 ounce curls at the bar.

  6. 2 hour snow WOD for me today. Plus running around w/ the neighbor and his dog. Fun times!

  7. Not gonna lie, all your comments and fbook pics are miserable...Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Susan to complete outside in 84 degree weather.

  8. did JT today: scaled with two ab mats


    press: 130 (10# PR)

  9. After 2 CF days and 2 hours of shoveling today, I was too wiped out. I should be in tomorrow.

  10. Did todays metcon, ended up at about 18 box jumps and 7 cals on average.

    Post did some stretching and squat cleans.

  11. Ryan F

    D...gonna follow your programming this month. Did Monday's this am...real lung burner, awesome wod.
    FS - 225, 245,255, 265f, 265f
    wod - 3:24 RX

  12. total calories: 79 (high 8, low 6)
    total box jumps: 172 (high 17, low 13...regret some rounds because i stopped 3 seconds earlier worrying about the switch...oh well.)
