Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hang Squat Snatch


Then For Time


Over Head Squats

Post Wod

2 Minute AMRAP of Toes to bar


  1. Noooooooooooooooooo! The two things I hate the most:(

  2. i second yatta's sentiment, OHS and hang squat snatch need improvement.

    Hang squat snatch: 75-85-95(fail on 2nd rep)-95(fail on first rep)...bathroom break...95-105(fail)

    metcon @ 75#: 7:14

    post: 2 min AMRAP TTB=37

  3. 3 rep hang squat snatch max - 105#. Still at the point where I can power more than I can squat, need to work on that.

    WOD 95# 6:53. Broke only once on the OHS (2nd round), happy with the development there. New Construct burpee standards sure do increase the difficulty.

    2 min amrap ttb 30. I tried pacing early to prevent burnout...didn't turn out to be a good strategy on these, should have just went full out.

  4. 3 rep hang squat snatch max 95 115 135, i think i can get 155.

    wod 95# 6:11, all ohs unbroken, burpees after the first round lost form.

    no amramp, first time back in 2 weeks.

  5. Hang squat snatch: 75-95-105-115(f)

    Metcon - 12:12 @ 95#. John A, thanks for the wraps, without them I would have quit.

  6. Hang squat snatch: 95, 115, 135 (got 2, 3rd went back over my head, whoops). Felt good here, probably shouldve gone heavier but form felt a bit 'off'

    Metcon: 4:14...burpees sucked after first round.

  7. From Jeff:

    HSSnatch: 95, 115, 135, (failed at 145, tried it 3 different times, every time off balance), 95.

    Metcon: 3.59, flynn was the rabbit, i ate it.

    Lower back is TIGHT!

  8. Hang squat snatches: 35, 45, 55#. Really worked on proper snatch form. Wasn't consistent, but I definitely felt when I did it correctly.

    Metcon: 6:22 @ 45#.

    Post WOD: toes to bar work for 2 minutes. I have improved in raising my legs up and activating my core, but am still faar away from actually getting my toes to the bar.

  9. HS Snatch: 75, 95, 115, 135, 145 (only did two at 145)

    Metcon @ 95: 7:29 (if I remember correctly)
