Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Power and Squat Clean Skill Work

Then For Time

200 Single Unders
10 Front Squats
10 Pull Ups
10 Power Cleans
10 Pull Ups
10 Squat Cleans
200 Single Unders

(Use 65%-75% of your one rep max power/squat clean)

Post WOD
5 minutes of foam rolling
15 Glute ham raises


  1. Are any of you guys going to be at the Level I Cert @ Atlas this weekend? Just wanted to give a heads up that a few of us will be there, so hopefully we'll see you guys there!


  2. Did deadlifts pre workout as part of my 5-3-1 cycle. 3,3,3+: 115#, 130#, 145# (6).

    Wod: 8:28 @65# and blue band. Yay I officially lasted a wod with a lighter band.

    Post wod: running home to make sure the mal didn't destroy his cage. Luckily, he only destroyed a pillow.

  3. metcon @ 115# (70% of 1RM squat clean): 7:43

    post: 3x5 GHR

  4. metcon @ 115 10:12 guess I need to work on single unders

  5. WOD at 155# = 9:13 Easy, until the squat cleans, at which point it was very hard.

  6. wod 85# = 11:15. Struggled through the squat cleans and tanked on my last round of single unders.

  7. Metcon @ 155#: 8:31
    SU's were the worst part.

  8. Jeff:

    Got to the gym today, neither of us could pull up the workout on our phones, so we had to go back to a workout we'd done in the past that has hurt us:

    5 Rounds:
    5 Man-Makers (35# DBs)
    20 KB Swings (53# KB))
    5 Man-Makers (35# DBs)
    Run 400m (on Treadmill)

    Time was like 27.30.

    Post Wod: 2 sets 50 DUs. Whole body was tired, but getting more proficient.

  9. 10 rounds:

    10 game style push ups
    15 sit ups

    Time: 9:48

  10. First wod doing squats with weight.

    @155 about 20lbs below rx since I am still being a baby about my knee

    8:14 I am right in James and John A's kitchen

    no more slacking guys

    Coach John

  11. SWOD-3-3-3+ deadlifts: 250-285-320(6)

    Worked on power cleans and squat cleans at 115#, decided 135# would be a good weight for the metcon (82% of my 1RM power clean)

    Metcon - 8:28, squat cleans were tough and took 2-3 minutes. Last 4 turned into power cleans followed by a front squat.

  12. Metcon - 7:22
    Subbed out front squats and squat cleans with power cleans. Did pullups in 2's and 3's. Couldn't string many along for some reason.

  13. metcon: 9:18 with 60#'s

    i feel like i could have gone slightly heavier, at least 65. next time. it was 70% of my 1RM but my maxes are pretty old.

    used a red band for pull ups since i've been out of the box for a while. no more band again soon.
