Tuesday, May 10, 2011

-Close grip bench 4x8
-3 sets for max reps of chin-ups

Then For Time

10 Shoulder to OverHead Any Style  (165/115)
800 meter run
10 Shoulder to OverHead Any Style
800 meter run
10 Shoulder to OverHead Any Style
(70 % of your one rep max split jerk)

Post WOD
Shoulder mobility work


  1. actually had some company today at 9am.

    close grip bench: worked up to 135#
    chin-ups: 12-6-6

    metcon @ 135#: 12:50...got beat up. push pressed the grand majority of them, which may have slowed me down. broke sets into 5/5, 4/3/3 (failed last rep and had to power clean and jerk it, awful), then last rd was singles and doubles. 800 splits were 3:00 and 3:20, holy humidity.

    post: shoulder mobility and stretching and some more sweating.

  2. CG Bench: 75-125
    Chins: 16-8-6. The 20# of extra bw I've picked up is definitely felt on these. Was at 175 this a.m. only 20# more to go before I cut back to 185.

    Metcon @ 135# - 11:43. Worked on push jerks because I haven't really done them before. Failed 2 reps because I didn't drop low enough and lock them out but otherwise they went well for not having done them before. Didn't pay attention to the 800 times but the new Merrells felt good on the run.

  3. Close grip bench: up to 85#
    Chin-ups: 3-3-7(last round with purple band)

    Metcon: 11:13 @ 85#. Had to split jerk everything, that was the only way I was going to get good reps. Unbroken/5-3-2/3-2-3-2

  4. 5 round
    400 meter run
    10 box jump
    10 pull ups
    10 burpees
    2800 ft altitude

  5. Haven't gotten my ass totally kicked in a while, so today was the day!

    close grip bench 4x8
    135, 155, 185 (4), 155

    chin ups - 16, 7, 7. I’m actually better at pull ups than I am at chin ups, never really do these.

    WOD RX - 13:07. Shoulder to overhead - no problem. Overhead to shoulder - problem. Could not find a way to comfortably get it down, hurt my wrists, got a negative on the way down and sucked the energey out of me, and knocked me around...apparently there's another technique I need to learn.

  6. close grip bench 95 135 155 175X4

    wod 165# 12:26

    chin ups 2-2-4, last set used red band.

  7. Bench @ 155

    Metcon as Rx'd 12:18

    Run's could have been faster. I put in a few miles yesterday and it showed. Glad to be feeling better thats for sure.
