Monday, May 9, 2011


Hang Power Clean Ladder-
Complete 1 HPC minute , 2 HPC minute 2, 3 HPC minute 3...etc until failure to complete reps in the designated minute

Post wod
3x8 Spilt Squat


  1. Squat: up to 140#

    Death by Hang Power Cleans: 7 rounds completed + 1/8 @ 95#. 6 felt fine and then the wheels came off.

  2. So today was my first time trying the 6am class and it was HORRIBLE! lol. Not the class, but doing the WOD early in the AM. I felt like I had zero strength and was working in zombie mode:( I am going to give the early class a couple more trys to see if it gets better. I definitely did not do as well as I normally would in the evening class.

    Squat: 125#....feel apart in the last set and stopped at 3.

    Death by HPC: 73# 9 rounds + 6.

    We did Death by PC back in Febraury and I got rounds + 7 at 73#.

    Are Power Cleans easier than HPC? I know with PC you start from the ground. Does anyone know if that makes it easier or not? I am just really wondering if the AM is that bad for me, or if the HPC are just worse than PCs.

    Happy Monday Everyone!!!

  3. Sea Biscuit - I think the ease of each totally depends on the person. For some reason, I'm a little stronger in the hang power clean than I am starting from the ground. for me, i think it's a form issue. I tend to lose my form a bit when trying to get teh bar over my knees. Many people are a lot stronger in the power than they are in the hang.

  4. BS:175-185-195(4)-195(3)...wasnt hitting depth on some reps due to shifting my weight to my toes instead of keeping it in my heels. hence i felt like i was reaching depth, but george refuted that claim.

    HPC ladder @ 95#: 13 rds + 9/14, grip killer.

    3x5 split squats: 45-65-65#...really works hip stabilization

  5. Squat - 4 sets x 225, deep.

    HPC Ladder @ 95: 10 rounds + 8/11, GRIP FAILURE

    3 x 8 split squats: BW, 50, 50


  6. SWODs: pressing and squats 5-5-5+. Didn't do a deload week but still matched my numbers from last month on the 5+ set. Depth still ass-to-ground on squats since the reset. Going to swap in FS for DL this month and probably swap out pressing for incline next month. Going to start rotating movements because I think I'll see more improvement that way.

    HPC ladder @ 115: 15 rounds flat. Tore a bad flapper on round 13 and decided I didn't want to mess my hands up too much so quit after 15. Grip wasn't too much of an issue but that's because of all my KBell work.

    No post, went right into coaching the next class.

  7. bailed on the squats at 135. Felt a pull in my groin. didnt want to mess w/ it after Ben's incident.

    HPC ladder - 95lbs - 19 rounds plus 17. Hooked it the whole way and definitly needed it. grip was dead.

  8. Squats - 5 rep up to 245#. 3 reps at 255#.

    HPC ladder 95# - 22 rounds. No grip issues really. But as the form fell apart, these became kipping reverse curls, biceps feel like a million bucks right now. Really hoping for some pull ups tomorrow, they'll be a ton of fun.

    Split squats - 45, 55, 65.

  9. @Tyler: Thanks! I think I am definitely stronger in the power cleans. I think that during the HPC, I get tired faster because I never get to put the bar down. Oh well, just something to work on:)

  10. Oh...and I just noticed that I did a little more than the RX weight. I should pay more attention:)

  11. HPC ladder @ 53#: 13 rds. I was exhausted and am sore today. Good to be back!
