Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Find a one rep max weighted pull up

12 minute amrap of the following

5 push press (135/95 or 70 % of your one rep max strict press)
25 double unders
5 burpee box jumps ( 24/20 entire foot must land on the box)

Post wod
500 meter row time trial


  1. Max weighted pull up: 8 strict with purple band, 7 strict dead hang singles, I was spent after that, couldn't even manage strict with 2.5#.

    Metcon: 5 rounds + 5 push presses @ 80#/3x single unders/20"

    500 m row time trial: set the clock wrong but a 1:47.8/500m average

  2. @Joel - I think you're burning out too early on the 1 rep max pull up. With most upper body movements, like a pull up or strict press, your capacity to do a lot of reps isn't as high as a lower body movement, like a squat or deadlift, so a long warm up just defeats the purpose. But those movements also shouldn't require as much warm up time for your body to adjust.

    For something like a weighted pull up, I stretch out my back and do maybe 2-3 dead hangs, then get right after the heavy weight, planning on only 3 or maybe 4 attempts. Maybe Derek, Kurt, or George would say otherwise, but I've never seen anyone hurt themselves doing a pull up. 15 reps is a lot.

  3. @Drywall good advice. I probably could have gone for the weight a little sooner. At least under George's strict watchful eye I know I was getting the full range of movement from bottom to top, whereas I sometimes short it with a little hop up to the bar.

  4. pull ups: 25(2)-35-55-60 (same as old PR)-62.5(fail) then 6 singles at 44lb.

    AMRAP @ 115# (90% 1RM strict press) and 24":

    7 rds + 5 PP...good push from george, good workout.

    no post, may do endurance tonite.

  5. Weighted Pull ups Max - 90# x 1

    Completed 5 or 6 sounds of the following...

    Push press - 115

    Did single unders x 50 (to replace 25 DU's, still working on the my DU's)

    Burpees to box jump - 24" box

    500 M rows - 1:46


  6. I did 7 RDS + 23 DUs with a 135# push press during the 9:00AM class. Tom gave me a run for my money. Great job Cassie and Joel! Heavy push presses with great form... not bad!


  7. Pullups to 72#

    AMRAP @ 135 - 7 rounds + 11 DUs

    Good one, hard as hell but felt great. The number scheme made the mental game easy.

  8. ... and Tom, George isn't kidding. Your overhead stuff is looking strong as hell!

  9. Pullups to 70#. Was about 1" short on 80#. Glad that didn't go down despite my increase in BW.

    AMRAP @ 115# - 7 rounds + 4 burpees. Didn't do DUs because my ankle is still messed up and that little bit of extra height really hurt in the warmup. Also didn't do the full sub for SU, only 75 per round because I didn't want to push the ankle.

    500tt - 1:29.9

  10. Weighted Pull Up - 115#. Failed on 120#. 10# under PR. Need to start hitting these harder. Did about 6 88# reps afterward to get my 15 reps in.

    WOD RX: 7 rounds + 19 double unders.

    I wasn't feeling good afterward, skipped the row.

  11. weighted pullups 10#

    metcon 6 rounds 1du, 135#

    no post

  12. Weighted pull-ups 65#

    Metcon 5 rounds + 5 pp at 125

    Row 1:44.44

  13. Weighted pull ups= strict chin ups, 1 every 2 minutes for 12 minutes.

    AMRAP: 5 rounds+ 2 burpee box jumps.
    @ 65# and a 24' box.

    Post: 1.54 500m tt. Could/should have gone faster.
