Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For Time

20 Front Squats

800 meter run

20 Over head squats

800 meter run

20 Back Squats

800 meter run

Set up one bar for all three lifts.  Bar must start on the ground and shoot to use 65% of your one rep max overhead squat

Post WOD
Hip mobility drills and foam rolling


  1. Ah, 1.5 miles running with OHS, a classic "what shoes do I wear?" WOD.

  2. Thanks for the future blog topic, JK.

  3. The almost elite wear 5 fingers...

  4. You could wear your flippy floppys. Or roller blades, I hear those make everything more dangerous.

  5. Guess I wore the wrong shoes...

    16:24 @ 135#
    75# on OHS

    Wrist/shoulder giving me a lot of trouble lately. Slowed me way down on OHS, but glad I can put SOME weight on them now.

  6. 15:03 @ 95#...yet shorted the first 800m due to misunderstanding about correct route. OHS felt good, broke into 4x5 reps.

  7. 14:46 at 115 libs. unbroken on the front squats, 12/8 on the OHS and 10/10 on teh back squats. last 800 took me 3:26

    post: 15 HSPU, 25 pushups, 35 jumping bar dips (seriously), 45 KTE.

  8. 20:?? at 135
    everything felt horrible. felt like shit that i shorted the first 800 so i ran a mile at the end. stupid but fun at least i didnt walk. might be walking a little funny at work tomorrow

  9. 14:56 at 115#. Unbroken on front and back, 10 and 10 on OHS. I had too much gas left in the tank, ran hard last 400m, full out sprint last 200m. Paced the runs too much.

  10. 14:07 I think. 95lb (my purse weighed it down a bit though so more like 96.5) Unbroken front squats, 8/7/5 OHS, Unbroken Back squats. Shorted the first run, my form blows... Can we have another power clean day?

  11. 115 Front squat, unbroken
    65 OHS, 14/6
    135 Back squat, unbroken

    Runs were good and hard, but had to do them on a treadmill.

