Friday, May 13, 2011

Over Head Squat
(rest 3 minutes between sets and establish a new 3 rep max)

Post WOD
3x8 single arm bent over rows
25 Glute Ham Raises


  1. OHS: established a 5RM on sunday (115#) so i did a little math to figure out where my 3RM may reside and did working sets from there

    105-115-120-120-120(1 rep, then felt a tweak in my shoulder so stopped)

    single arm bent over rows: 45-60-70#
    25 GHRs

  2. bench press 3x8 - 185, 205, 215
    OHS 3 rep max - 165
    gh raises 5x5
    one arm rows 3x8 60#

  3. OHS: up to 78# then worked on finding new 1RM at 98#.

    Post: single arm bent over rows: 30-30-44
    medicine ball and kettlebell practice at heavy weight

  4. Did bench and FS SWoDs: 5-5-5+. Felt pretty weak after a night of post-finals drinking and lack of any meaningful food intake.

    OHS 3RM - 145; got 1 at 155. Wrists were still pretty beat up from Tuesdays shoulder-to-overheads, shoulders felt strong and got good depth.
