Friday, June 10, 2011


hang squat snatch (advanced)
hang power clean (beginner)

Heavy Fran
Thrusters  (135 / 95 )
weighted chin ups (20 pounds)

post wod

30 GHD Sit Ups
Hip Mobility Drills

Jenn having some fun in the 95 degree heat


  1. This was kind of brutal lol. You just might be more Elite than Drywall if you RX this.

    Hang squat snatch 6x2 - 135# then 155# on the last 2 sets. Need to work on sitting back in my heels more.

    Metcon @ 115# w 10# chin-ups - 12:58 if I remember correctly.

  2. I will be RX'ing this and cursing George as he cuts my time in half.

    Last reminder for free beer (and wine and well), tonight, Mahoneys, 8-10.

  3. hang squat snatch: worked up to 105#...need to work on fully extending the hips before dropping under.

    "heavy" fran @ 115# and 15# chin ups: 11:34. ouch.

  4. Squat snatch skill work up to 115#

    Heavy Fran @ 135#/20# - 11:57. Thrusters went okay when split up into 3's and 2's for the last couple. If I can go sets of 5 I'll probably be sub 10, that's the goal for the next time we meet.

  5. Squat snatch: up to 68# (1 at 73#). These felt a lot better than the last time I tried them.

    Heavy Fran: 8:18 @ 75# and purple band. Heaviest thrusters I've attempted in a wod. I'd say this went okay, so it must not have been heavy enough.
