Saturday, June 4, 2011

Turkish Get Up

Then 3 rounds of the following with 2 minutes rest between

500 meter row
400 meter run
20 push ups
10 handstand push ups

rest exactly 2 minutes between each round
Mike back in action


  1. turks - 25#, 30#, 35#, 44#. Wasn’t feeling 55# today.

    WOD: 19:08. Fall off between the first and last round was only about a minute. Played around with damper settings, 7 seems about right. I thought HSPU would be easy and I'd be able to go unbroken in the first set at least, but doing them right after regular push ups makes them significantly harder.

    Too much cardio for my liking...

  2. Did a modified heavy Fran with Sunday's impromptu 11 class.

    C+J up to 155#. Worked only push jerks, couldn't get under the bar on 165# but that's because I was wussing out.

    Heavy Fran Mod - 6:36
    9-7-5 135# thrusters/20# weighted pull ups
    Thrusters were the hardest part by far. Splits were 5/4, 3/2/2, 2/3. Squat component was easy, locking out over head was the hard part.

  3. Yay! A pic!

    Did Sat's WOD on Sunday. Much harder than I thought it would be. My time was a little under 23 mins.
