Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3 sets of max reps strict pull ups (3 minutes rest between sets and use weight)

Then 8 Minutes AMRAP of the following
3 Power Clean
20 Double Unders

Post WOD
40 GHD Sit Ups
2 Minute L-sit hold


  1. weight pull ups @ 15#: 7-6-5

    AMRAP @ 155#: 6 rds + 3 PC

    post: 40 GHD and 1 min total L-sit hold

  2. Going out of town so I wanted to get the impending squat work done.

    Supersets - 4x5 rep backsquat with 3 set max rep weighted pull ups
    Back squat - 245x5, 255x5, 260x5, 260x2 (struggled too much to justiy going higher.)
    Pull ups 55# - 8, 7, 6
    Either my 1 rep max of 315 was a fluke, or the supersets just took more out of me than I realized. Or I just had an off day, the squats just felt heavier than they should.

    AMRAP at 205# - 8 rounds + 1 DU. Need to bump it up to 215# next time we do a heavy weighted power clean wod, didn't fail any and did a lot of rounds.

    40 GHD's
    1 min L sit. First time actually getting my legs extended.

  3. Pull ups with blue band: 8, 8
    Pull ups with red band: 3 (probably should have started out with the red band)

    AMRAP: @103#, 5 + 30s of DU work.

    Post: 40 GHD's and 45 minutes of DU work.

  4. Oops. I actually did start with the red band.
    I did 2 sets with the red band, 1 with purple.

  5. 8 rounds + 11 DU's @ 185#
    Wasn't about to push it after a week off.

    Also, watch this:

  6. thursday:

    bench 4x8: 135-145-155-165(4)

    10 HSPU (1 ab mat)
    20 WB (20#)
    30 TTB
    40 PC (115#)
    50 burpees
    60 SDHP (1.5 pood KB)


  7. Metcon: 4+3 DU's at 165#. My double-unders sucked big time. I really need to work on doing these more gracefully so I don't get tired as easily.

    Weighted Pull-ups: 8-8-7
