Friday, August 5, 2011

Back Squat

Then 2 reps every minute for ten minutes of the following

A. power snatch
B. over head squat

1 rep equals successful completion of movement A and B with out setting the bar down.   First complete a power snatch, and second complete a full over head squat, repeat twice each minute for ten minutes.  record loads used. 

Post WOD
4 x 6 Romanian Deadlift


  1. bs: 180-185-195(5)

    wod @ 105#...really focused on not pressing out the snatch and re-dipping to catch rather than spreading my feet out wide.

    post: 105-115-135-145

  2. BS 245, 260, 270
    WOD at 135
    post (on box) 135, 185, 205, 205.
