Friday, August 26, 2011

Bench Press
5 x 8  (40x0)
rest 90 seconds

Chin Ups
5 x 5  (tempo 3021)
rest 90 seconds

Then for total reps and cals rowed
Set 1

Tabata Set rotating between

Row for calories
Push Ups

rest 2 minutes

Tabata set rotating between

Russian KB swings
Toes to bar

record total reps and cals rowed on both sets


  1. Bench @ 115-125-125-125-135. Might have been able to do 135 for all sets.

    Tabata set #1: 34 cals/60 pushups
    Tabata set #2: 48 KBS/28 T2B

    Felt like I was going to hurl on the second one, skipped breakfast because I didn't get up early enough.

  2. I'm leaving for good on Tuesday and am going out tonight for drinks. Starting at Rockit on Hubbard around 8pm. My number is 857-321-2302, call me if you're in the area and want to stop by.


  3. nick,

    not sure if ill make it out. but its been a pleasure. enjoy ny,ny.

    bench: 115-125-130-130-135

    tabata 1: 26 cals/40 push ups
    tabata 2: 43 KBS/35 T2B

  4. Are you coming back in at some point for one more WOD Nick?

  5. CrossFit Total:
    Back squat - 320#. 5# PR. Failed at 325#, form really fell apart over 315, need to work on maintaining when I get near my max. I felt like I should have been able to go higher on this.

    Press - 180#. 5# PR. Very happy with this, was stuck at 175# for a long time.

    Deadlift - 400#. 15# PR. Very happy with this also. Derek pointed out some form faults that I tried to correct at 415# (f) but I need to work on that at lighter weights. May have been able to hit 405 or 410, but I like to sandbag for next time...

    Total: 900#. Time to start working on 1000#.

  6. Bench: 115-125-125-135-145

    Tabata Totals: 174 w/2pood kb

    Temp chin ups were brutal, as usual.

  7. I will be in one more time for sure.

  8. Good, let us know when! Adam Brown?!
