Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hang Power Clean
3-3-3 (rest 2 minutes)

Post WOD
4 x 10 Back extensions
1 K Row time trial


  1. Did deadlifts yesterday, so I did some Oly work then strength work.

    Hang power snatch 3 rep - 135, 165, 195, 195, 205x2. Grip issues in recatching a hook grip is the limiting factor on these.

    Full snatch 3 rep - 95, 115, 135/135/f, 135/f/135/135. 1 rep at 145. Haven't done these in a while, need to spend a lot more time on then.

    Snatch balance - up to 115

    Weighted Pull ups - 70# 4x4
    Weighted Dips - 70#x3, 55# 3x6
    4x10 30# back extensions

  2. Deads: 315-405-455-475-515 - met previous PR

    Hang Power Cleans: 165-175-185

    4x10 Back Extensions @ 30#

    1mi run to and from box

  3. FGB: 294..previous pR was 303...need practice and better strategy. good afternoon.

  4. dl 355 20# pr
    hang power snatch 185, need to work on going form the shoulder to the hang.
    fgb 242 not happy but i know it will improve.
