Monday, August 29, 2011

Front Squat
5 x 5 (Use 80 % of 5 rep max) rest 2 minutes
Dead lift
2 x 10 (50 % of one rep max) rest 2 minutes

Then For Time

21-15-9 reps of the following

Hang Power Clean  (use 50% of your one rep max clean or 115/75)
Box Jumps  (24/20)
Pull Ups

Post WOD
Hip Mobility Drills


  1. fs @ 140#

    dLs @ 165#

    metcon @ 115# & 24"-7:19

  2. Front Squat @ 185#
    Deadlifts @ 195#

    Metcon @ 115# with 24" box - 10:07

  3. front squats at 170.

    skipped the deads.

    95# hang cleans - nervous about my back -these felt ok though. should have used 115.
    24" box
    ring rows -


    TTB work afterwards.

  4. Front Squats: oops, did 4x5 at 70% of 1RM, 115#

    Deadlifts @ 115#

    Metcon: 11:30 @ 75#/24"/blue band. Been a while Box Jumps, I did not miss you.
