Monday, August 15, 2011

Front Squat

Weighted good mornings
4 x 8

8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 hang squat cleans
15 Double Unders
5 Burpees

Post WOD
4 x 8 back extensions


  1. FS: 200-205-210(5)
    Good Mornings: 95-135-135-135

    Metcon: 5+5 HSCleans @ 135#. DU's were the biggest time sink, couldn't string together more than 10 after the second round.

  2. fs: 150-160-170(5)
    good mornings: 95-115-125-125

    metcon @ 135#: 4 + 4DUs

    post back ext: no weight, 15, 15, 25#

  3. The Life As RX thing looks interesting and I think we should get a crew to go, after all it is free, and it is designed so anyone can do it. It isn't something where only the best of the best compete, you can go and scale things if you need to.

    But personally: college football Saturday. From what I saw from the Dallas event online, it is a day long commitment with 4 events and I'd rather be getting hammered at a bar. Also, FGB6 and the MetroDash are the two weeks prior, so I think I might be burned out of CF-related weekend events.

    But don't let me ruin the mood. For those of you who are newer getting into CrossFit and haven't gone to an event like this before, they can be a lot of fun. Definitely sign up.

  4. check this out it is a groupon type site for all outdoor brands. got suckered in and bought a pair of running shorts.(yep i am going to attempt to run more)

    fs 215 225 235x2

    metcon 135 4+5sc

  5. squats were brutal. 190x5, 210x2, 185x5
    just wasn't feeling it. not sure why.

    metcon at 135# - 6 rounds + 3 squat cleans

  6. Front squat - 205x5, 215x5, 225x5 (5 rep PR)
    good morning 4x8 135#
    WOD: 145#, 6 rounds + 2 cleans. Should have gone 155#.

    4x8 back extensions 25#
