Friday, September 9, 2011

Find a new 2 rep max Front Squat

Then 10 minutes of the following

Work for 30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds

Rotate between the following movements

Wall Balls (20/14)
Box Jumps (20/16)

record total reps completed

Post Workout
3 x 12 Back extensions


  1. Front Squat: 2RM @ 145#

    Wall Balls: 69 @ 16#
    Box Jumps: 71 @ 20"

    Post: 6x6 back extensions

  2. Important drinking related news:
    1. Tonight - Stink and drink after the 6pm class. Most likely Output on Grand and Wood.

    2. Post "Fight Gone Bad" Free Beer Party at Mahoneys on 9/17, 8pm-10pm. Party is under my name. Put it in your calendar.

  3. Front Squat 2RM: 245 - 255(f)

    WB: 70
    BJ: 122

    192 Total

    3x12 BE - 2 rounds @ 30#

  4. Front squat 2rm - 245, 255, 260x1

    Total: 223. Didn't keep the break down but the wallballs were between 16-18 and the box jumps 26-29.

    3x12 back extensions
    4x7 gh raises

  5. split jerk: 135-145-155-165 (pushed out last one)-165

    total: 208

    post back ext @ 25#
