Monday, October 3, 2011

Find 3RM Dead lift (in 3 attempts)

Chest to bar pull- ups
KBS (2 pood/1.5 pood)
Front Squats (145/115; or 45-50%1RM)

3xMax GHRs


  1. Deadlifts - 315-360-375(f). Couldn't even get 375 off the ground which sucks because I got 405 just over a month ago. Probably due to the lack of breakfast and sleep.

    Metcon @ 2 pood/135# - 11:09. Ripped 3 calluses on my left hand on the last C2B rep of the 9 set. Didn't really want to continue at that point so I just sat around for a little before getting on the KB swings.

  2. Deadlift 3RM: 425# Probably had another 20 or so lbs in me, back and legs are fried from weekend though.

    Metcon @ 2 pood/145# - 12:20. Front squats limiting factor here, brutal metcon

  3. dl 3rm: 305#

    metcon w/ C2B, 2 pood KBS, and 120# FS: 12:17...rough

    20 or so GHRs post.

  4. New Pr- 375 DL

    145/2pd on the 21-15-9
    time - 11:18
    a baby could do this workout... almost threw up
