Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Find 3RM Press (in 3 attempts)
2x3 @ 85% of 3RM

4 Rounds of:
Every 3 Minutes Perform:
20 yard bear crawl
20 yard prowler push

Post: 3xMax TTB


  1. Weak as hell in the a.m. as usual

    Press 3RM - 115; 2x3 @ 100

    Subbed 2x40# DB presses for the HSPU, 270# on the prowler.

    Total press reps - 32

    No TTB post because my left hand is still torn up.

  2. Press 3RM: 145-150(2)

    2x3 @ 120#

    270# prowler and 35 HSPU on metcon... I caught the prowler flu on that last round for sure

  3. Did yesterday's workout. good to be back in action.

    was able to do pullups for the first time in 3 months. 3 weeks off must have helped.

    14:35 115#/2pood/a few regular pullups and the rest ring rows. brutal

  4. 3rm press: 125#, failed 130# on 3rd rep

    2x3 @ 105#

    180# prowler, hspu without ab mat and head touching floor each time: 16...prowler flu.

    post TTB: 20,19, 11 (abs cramped up)

  5. 3RM Press 165
    Prowler at 270 35 HSPU
