Monday, October 24, 2011

This Saturday October 29th at 10 am CrossFit Construct will be hosting the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser.  Sign up at and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at 

Advanced 5 rep max Back Squat (3 attempts at a 5 rep max)
Beginner 3 x 5 Back Squat

3 x 8 weighted back extensions
Tempo (3030)

1 round of the following every 2 minutes for 10 minutes

3 hang squat cleans  (165/115 or 75% of your one rep max squat clean)
6 weighted pull ups
9 air squats
Record weight used

Post wod
4 x 8 ring rows


  1. Back squat: 225-235-245. I definitely could have gone heavier but I wasn't sure how strong I would feel this morning so I didn't bump up as much between sets.

    Back extensions done with 25#.

    Metcon @ 165#/25#

  2. back squat 5rm: 195

    back ext @ 25#

    metcon @ 145#/20#

  3. Backsquat: 115-135- 145(1)

    Back extensions: 1 set @25#, 2 @15#

    Metcon: 85# and red+purple band. (Did 1 set with red only, but couldn't hold it)

    Post: 4 sets of ring rows.
