Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hang power snatch

Then 5 rounds for time of the following
5 overhead squats (135/95)
10 burpees

Post wod
5 minute amrap of double unders

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


3 rounds x 30 seconds of pull ups rest 30 seconds between sets
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds x 30 seconds of chin ups rest 30 seconds between sets

Then 12 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 clapping push ups
10 sit ups
15 KB swings ( American )

Post wod

10 rope climbs

Monday, March 28, 2011

Find a new one rep max clean and Jerk

Post WOD
Foam Rolling and Mobility Work

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Find your max broad jump distance

Then For Time

5 K Row

Post WOD
Foam Rolling

Friday, March 25, 2011


Then for time

3 Rounds of the following

10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
25 Wall Balls (20/14)

Post WOD
20 Glute Ham Raises
10 Rope Climbs

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Turkish Get Up


30 seconds of chin ups
rest one minute
30 second of ring rows
rest one minute
30 seconds of pull ups
rest one minute
30 seconds of ring rows

Post WOD

Tabata Row
5 minutes of foam rolling

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5-5-5 Advanced and Beginner

Then 12 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following
2 Split Jerk (75-85% of your one rep max)
4 Push Ups
6 Toes To Bar
8 Russian KB swings (heavy) 

3 x 8 Close Grip Bench Tempo (4-0-2-0)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Squat 5-5-5

Then 6 Rounds For Time with 30 seconds rest in-between sets of the following

3 Power Cleans (75-85%) of one rep max power clean
6 Strict Pull Ups
9 Air Squats

Post WOD
3x5 single leg squats

Saturday, March 19, 2011

5-3-1+ Advanced
5-5-5  Beginner

Then four rounds of the following

500 M Row
25 Push Ups (Hands Off the ground at the bottom)

Post WOD 
25 GHD Sit Ups

Friday, March 18, 2011

Back Squat
5-3-1+ Advanced
5-5-5 Beginner

Then 6 Rounds For Time of the following

5 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
5 Front Squats (165/105 or 60 % of your one rep max front squat)
5 Burpees

post wod

25 Glute Ham Raises

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For Time


5 Rounds of the following

400 M Run
15 OHS  (95/65) 

Post WOD
Foam Rolling
30 GHD Sit Ups

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5-5-5 Beginner
5-3-1+ Advanced

Then 5 Rounds for time of the following

10 Box Jumps (24/20)
5 Hand stand Push Ups / Push Press
20 Double Unders

Post wod

3x8 Tempo Close Grip Bench  (40x0)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dead lift
5-3-1+ Advanced
5-5-5 Beginner

Then for time 7 Rounds of the following with exactly 1 minute rest in between each round
10 Wall Ball
10 KB Swings
5 weighted pull ups (strict)

Post wod 10 rope climbs

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3-3-3+ advanced
5-5-5 beginner

Then for time


75 power snatches for time


Post wod
Free standing handstands.

Friday, March 11, 2011

3-3-3+ advanced
5-5-5 beginner

Then 4 rounds of the following with exactly 2 minutes rest in-between each round. Record each round

10 dead lifts (185/135) or 40 to 50 % of your one rep max dead lift
20 air squat
30 kb swings (1.5/1 pood)

Post wod

Barbell lunges 3x8 each leg

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Squat clean skill work

Then for time

21-15-9 reps of the following


Cleans ( must pass through a full squat ) 135/95 or 50 - 60 % of your one rep max squat clean.

Pull ups.

Post wod
Weighted good mornings 3 x 8
12 glute ham raises

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Then 8 minutes of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest of the following

1. Push Ups (Games Standards)
2. Push Press (75/45) 

Record your worst round for each and that will be your score

Post WOD  30 HSPU

Monday, March 7, 2011


Congratulations to John A and Doc on their level one certifications this weekend!  

Dead lift
3-3-3+ for advanced
5-5-5 for Beginner

Then For Time

40 Wall Balls
30 Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls
20 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups
(5 Burpee Penalty for dropped or broken wall ball sets)

Post Wod = 3 x 8 Bent over rows, plus 5 minutes of foam rolling

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Then for time

3 Rds. of the following

500 M row
10 Clean and Jerks  (135/95)

Friday, March 4, 2011


Then for time

45 thrusters
45 pull ups

Post wod.
3x5 barbell step ups.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Power and Squat Clean Skill Work

Then For Time

200 Single Unders
10 Front Squats
10 Pull Ups
10 Power Cleans
10 Pull Ups
10 Squat Cleans
200 Single Unders

(Use 65%-75% of your one rep max power/squat clean)

Post WOD
5 minutes of foam rolling
15 Glute ham raises

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 x 5
or 5 - 5 - 5+ ( 65%-75%-85% of your one rep max)

9-12-15-18-21  Reps of the following for time

Push Press (65/45)
Push Ups

Post WOD

3 x 8 close grip bench at tempo 4-0-2-0

There will be a 9 am class this morning.